Floattext class is a subclass of list class that takes a big text string as input and splits it up into several lines to be dislayed. Formatting capabilities include paragraphs an justified text with word wrap.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Floattext_Justify V4 ISG BOOL MUIA_Floattext_SkipChars V4 IS. STRPTR MUIA_Floattext_TabSize V4 IS. LONG MUIA_Floattext_Text V4 ISG STRPTR
NAME MUIA_Floattext_Justify -- (V4 ) [ISG], BOOL FUNCTION Indicate whether you want your the text aligned to the left and right border. MUI will try to insert spaces between words to reach this goal. If you want right aligned or centered text, use the MUIA_List_Format attribute. SEE ALSO MUIA_Floattext_Text, MUIA_List_Format
NAME MUIA_Floattext_SkipChars -- (V4 ) [IS.], STRPTR FUNCTION Defines an array of characters that shall be skipped when displaying the text. If you e.g. want to display a fido message and know it has some CTRL-A control characters in it, you could set this attrinbute to "\1" to prevent floattext class from displaying unreadable crap. SEE ALSO MUIA_Floattext_Text
NAME MUIA_Floattext_TabSize -- (V4 ) [IS.], LONG FUNCTION Adjust the tab size for a text. The tab size is measured in spaces, so if you plan to use tabs not only at the beginning of a paragraph, you should consider using the fixed width font. Tab size defaults to 8. SEE ALSO MUIA_Floattext_Text
NAME MUIA_Floattext_Text -- (V4 ) [ISG], STRPTR FUNCTION String of characters to be displayed as floattext. This string may contain linefeeds to mark the end of paragraphs or tab characters for indention. MUI will automatically format the text according to the width of the floattext object. If a word won't fit into the current line, it will be wrapped. If you plan to use tabs not only at the beginning of a line you should consider using the configured fixed width font. MUI copies the complete string into a private buffer, you won't need to keep your text in memory. If memory is low, nothing will be displayed. Thats why you always have to be prepared for handling a NULL pointer when getting back MUIA_Floattext_Text. Setting MUIA_Floattext_Text to NULL means to clear the current text. Please note that justification and word wrap with proportional fonts is a complicated operation and may take a considerable amount of time, especially with long texts on slow machines. EXAMPLE char *text = AllocVec(filesize,MEMF_ANY); Read(file,text,filesize); fto = FloattextObject, MUIA_Floattext_Text,text, End; FreeVec(text); /* ... if you need your text later, you can get it */ /* with a simple get(fto,MUIA_Floattext_Text,&text); */ SEE ALSO MUIA_Floattext_Justify, MUIA_Floattext_TabSize, MUIA_Floattext_SkipChars
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